• On-Line Leak Sealing
    Alimay offers leak sealing solutions to facilitate the quick recovery of a leaking connection or flow.
  • Re-tubing
    Alimay specializes in high performance heat exchanger tube replacement equipment
  • In Situ Machining Solutions
    A wide range of portable equipment for cutting and processing process pipes on site
  • Bolting Solutions
    Alimay provides total solution for all your bolting requirements, including Torqueing, Tensioning, Stress Analysis, Flange Management, and more.
  • Pipeline Pigging
    Pipeline cleaning is an important process in the operation of trunk pipelines, it directly affects its performance and is necessary for in-line inspection
  • Inline Inspection
    Efficient and safe operation of main and technological pipelines is the most important task of oil and gas companies
  • Hot Tapping and Plugging
    Trust in the pioneer and leader of the pipeline hot tapping and plugging technology



The company specializes in providing a wide range of services for both corporate clients and individuals. Professionalism and responsibility are the key advantages of our company.

Water-jet cutting is based on a very simple functional principle. A fine jet of water hits the surface of a workpiece at high speed. It causes ..
Alimay provide pressure testing for pipelines and or other components. It applies in Burst (Hydrostatic) testing, Work holding/power clamping, ..
There are times when a leaking line needs to be attended to; and isolating the unit is not a viable commercial option. Alimay offers Online Leak ..
Alimay specializes in high performance heat exchanger tube replacement equipment. Re-tubing is a service associated to the Maintenance and ..
Most Industrial Services demands for on-site machining to cut down time and cost on their projects or maintenance activities so that they won’t have ..
For a Startup, Commissioning, T&I, Turnaround or a Shutdown, Bolting is an essential part of the Mechanical Maintenance activities. The ..
As the industry's most trusted provider of pipelines quality control and cleaning, Alimay LLP provides pipelines cleaning services to ensure ..
Alimay LLP as a supplier of advanced solutions on hot tapping and plugging to ensure pipeline operation without shutdown also provides inline ..
Alimay LLP as an exclusive authorized distributor of T.D.Williamson ensures high level of pipeline operations services and responses to any changing ..


Consultation on services

Managers of the company will be happy to answer your questions and calculate the cost of services and prepare an individual commercial offer.
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About us

Alimay LLP is 100% Kazakhstani local company which is an exclusive authorized distributor for the T.D.Williamson company in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
 The partner company T.D. Williamson has been operating over 100 years in pipeline services and is the world leader in engineering, manufacturing and using the Hot Tapping and STOPPLE® equipment. The hot tapping and plugging equipment allow to carry out pipeline section replacement, repair, valve installation and other types of pipeline solutions without shutdown.

All products



Pig passage indicators – commonly referred to as ..
Alimay uses, leases and sells the entire range of equipment ..